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Our  Services

Cleaning You Can See & Feel

 From everyday housekeeping to routine cleanings and seasonal services, our professional team members can provide you with an unrivaled experience.

Resedential Cleaning

Our house cleaning services aren’t only for houses! Every living space deserves a thorough cleaning that you can see &  feel.

Comercial Cleaning

Whether you are looking for a one time deep clean, or a regular routine, Agent Cleaning  is here to help.

Move In/Out Cleaning

We provide thorough move-in and move-out services that will allow you to focus on what matters most—your new home.

Property Rental Cleaning

We understand you’re a busy property owner, likely managing several homes in the area. Now is the time to let our team  take care of all your cleaning and organising needs for your Airbnb rental home.

House Cleaning

Our customizable cleanings are designed to fit unpredictable lives. 


Our housekeeping services are designed to get your space looking its best while leaving you with the time you deserve to do the things you love.

Post Construction Cleaning

We offer post-construction cleaning services designed to retain the integrity of previously untouched materials and get them ready for new furniture and décor pieces.

Window Washing

Our window washing services will be sure to make your home sparkle both inside and out. 


Our team can come into your home and help you with one of the most tedious and time-consuming tasks of moving.

Our  Services

Cleaning You Can See & Feel

 From everyday housekeeping to routine cleanings and seasonal services, our professional team members can provide you with an unrivaled experience.

Resedential Cleaning

Our house cleaning services aren’t only for houses! Every living space deserves a thorough cleaning that you can see &  feel.

Comercial Cleaning

Whether you are looking for a one time deep clean, or a regular routine, Agent Cleaning  is here to help.

Move In/Out Cleaning

We provide thorough move-in and move-out services that will allow you to focus on what matters most—your new home.

Property Rental Cleaning

We understand you’re a busy property owner, likely managing several homes in the area. Now is the time to let our team  take care of all your cleaning and organising needs for your Airbnb rental home.

House Cleaning

Our customizable cleanings are designed to fit unpredictable lives. 


Our housekeeping services are designed to get your space looking its best while leaving you with the time you deserve to do the things you love.

Post Construction Cleaning

We offer post-construction cleaning services designed to retain the integrity of previously untouched materials and get them ready for new furniture and décor pieces.

Window Washing

Our window washing services will be sure to make your home sparkle both inside and out. 


Our team can come into your home and help you with one of the most tedious and time-consuming tasks of moving.

Serving Areas:

Get the calculation of the cost of the service you need
and consultation of a cleaning expert

About Us

We are proud of our team of experienced professionals who strive for impeccable service quality and full customer satisfaction.

We use only environmentally friendly products and innovative equipment to achieve high standards of cleanliness and hygiene. Our company provides a personal approach to each client, taking into account his individual needs and wishes.

We are committed to ensuring our customers can enjoy cosy and clean spaces without the hassle of trusting us to take care of their homes and offices. With us, your room will always be perfectly clean and well maintained.

Reasons to Choose Us

Behind our commitment to excellence are few key attributes that define who we are and what makes us different from any other

Top-Rated Company

We hold a successful track record of satisfying our customers and getting back their bond money

Superior Quality

We use the most excellent quality tools and equipment to get all the dust and dirt out of your premises

Eco-Friendly Products

We use biodegradable products which do not harm the environment, pets or humans in any way

Discount Programs For Regular Customers 

15% discount on Order every three weeks

Enjoy the freedom from cleaning and a clean apartment today, thanks to cleaning from